Music for Young Hands...
The alphabet is like a super special set of letters
that we use to make words. It's like having a box of building blocks, but instead of blocks, we have letters.
There are 26 letters in the alphabet, and each one has its own shape and sound. When we put these letters together in different ways, they make different sounds and words.
We use the alphabet to write down everything we want to say or read. It's like the secret code that helps us understand each other.

primer level

The Alphabet Suite consists of (13) pieces with 'lyrics' - words set to music.
These hilarious lyrics will teach you about many animals and the antics they get up to!
01) A & B
02) C & D
03) E & F
04) G & H
05) I & J
06) K & L
07) M & N
08) O & P
09) Q & R
10) S & T
11) U & V
12) W & X
13) Y & Z
Pages: 13